Saturday, September 24, 2011

What Is The Best Treatment For Gout And Asteoarthritis?

If you're a gout patient, then it's assumed that you're already knowledgeable about excessive bodily production of uric acid and the necessity to reduce dietary purines, so I won't discuss those points.

Get more cherries in your diet, but stay away from those cheap canned or jarred cherries. Fresh or frozen are best. Juice concentrate might be OK, but its pasteurization destroys some of its benefricial flavonoids, which supposedly lower uric acid and reduce inflammation. Blueberries and blackberries may possibly provide the same benefit.

Drink 10-12 glasses per day of water, in order to help flush out uric acid crystals. Cut back or eliminate alcohol consumption, because it interferes with the removal of uric acid from the body.

Exposure to lead can cause gout. So have your doctor test your system for excessive lead levels. Metallic toxins can be removed from the body with a number of naturopathic/alternative remedies . Ask your doctor about chelation therapy treatments (usually via EDTA as chelator) as an alternative treatment for heavy metal removal. Calcium citrate supplements and calcium rich foods help to eliminate heavy metals.

Dairy products almonds, broccoli, collards, kale, legumes, oranges, sesame seeds, and tofu are rich in calcium. Also try to eat as many chlorophyll-rich dark greens as possible to help remove heavy metals from your body. Sodium alginate from seaweeds and apple cider vinegar are known to bind heavy metals. Supplementation with the mineral selenium is another way to reduce heavy metal load. Sulfur rich vegetables such as onions and garlic help to remove heavy metals from the body too. Sulfur is also found in dairy products; most concentrated in whey protein. A cheap and convenient form of sulfur is the supplement MSM, which provides a second benefit of anti-inflammation.

To reduce painful symptoms, you should definitely be on an anti-inflammatory diet supplemented with various anti-inflammatory agents.

Anti-inflammatory whole foods :

cabbage, ginger, basil, strawberry, black tea, blueberry, turmeric, rosemary, clove, cinnamon, sarsaparilla, citrus fruits, pineapple, cold ocean water fish (especially wild sockeye salmon), garlic, flax seeds, red onion, brocolli, red apple

Anti-inflammatory supplements :

bromelain, citrus bioflavonoids (often come with premium vitamin C tablets), MSM, S-adenosyl-methionine (SAMe), alpha lipoic acid, coenzyme Q10, vitamin C, quercetin, astaxanthin, silymarin

Anti-inflammatory herbal extracts :

milk thistle, boswellia, gugulipids, fish oil, high lignan flax seed oil (both ALA and lignan), blue-green algae such as spirulina, borage seed oil, black currant oil, evening primrose seed oil, yarrow, olive leaf, marshmallow, fennel fruit extract, pau d'arco, hawthorn, white willow bark, licorice root, and cat's claw.

Do you want to permanently cure your gout? If you answered "YES", then I suggest you use the step-by-step system recommended in the Gout Remedy Report. The Gout Remedy Report is a great and effective manual with a natural plan that will completely treat any case of gout and stop it from recurring!

Click on this link ==> Gout Remedy Report, to read more about this guide.


What Is The Best Treatment For Gout And Asteoarthritis

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

What Foods Can You Eat When You Have Gout? - Best Gout Diet

My husband has gout too and all the research I have found tells you what NOT to eat but nothing tells you what would be good to eat to try to help prevent future attacks. There is one site from England that you have to pay to be a member and she swears that If you join, she will tell you recipes and things that will help, but I refuse to pay her huge fee to get very little.

She has a "free" e-mail that she will send and I got on that list for a while, but it gave you NOTHING for any tips or information and every time that you click on something to learn the magic answer, it directed you to her pay pal site so you could pay her annual fee to join her club. With her being off shore, you have no recourse if you are scammed. I did not fall for it or pay for it.

I have been asking and researching all over and so far the only thing I have found that people agree on is tart cherry juice to help prevent attacks. Several say that if you start your day with a glass of tart cherry juice, that it will help to prevent attacks. If an attack happens, they say that if you drink more tart cherry juice, it will help to get rid of the attack quicker than without it. The problem is that I can't get my husband to even drink one glass of it, not even once to give it a shot. He is so stubborn!

My next door neighbor is a biology professor and he has tried to find some more information on what can be eaten and even he hasn't been able to find much on the subject.

Stay away from a lot of proteins like red meats. Pork and Beef seem to hit my husband hard.

Turkey and chicken are better. We try to have at least one night a week without meat at all. One of our favorites is spaghetti. I dice up zucchini chunks into the sauce to give it more substance and it is really pretty good. I have read on a few lists that mushrooms will trigger a flare up, so I don't add any extra to the sauce.

He likes to take ramen noodles to work for his lunch. I have not seen these on any list so I assume they are ok. We will sometimes have them for dinner too with some shredded cabbage, carrots, zucchini, and any leftover chicken or turkey.
Turkey bacon is pretty good and we use ground turkey in things like spaghetti sauce and lasagna.

Gout is no laughing matter. It really is very painful. They are not just being babies when they complain about it.

Do you want to permanently get rid of your gout? If you answered "YES", then I suggest you use the step-by-step system recommended in the Gout Remedy Report. The Gout Remedy Report is a great and effective manual with a natural plan that will completely treat any case of gout and stop it from recurring!

Click here ==> Review Of The Gout Remedy Report, to read more about this guide.

What Foods Can You Eat When You Have Gout

Monday, September 19, 2011

Gout All About Food, Sometimes It Is But Most It Isn't - Side Effects Of Indomyacin For Treatment Of Gout

Everyone Thinks Gout Is All About Food, Sometimes Diet Is To Blame. Most Times It Isn't . Gout is most often caused by genetic problems, but can also be: environmental (too much iron, lead and other metals in the blood); medical side-effects from surgery or diuretic drugs; and health effects of other conditions including cancer and kidney disease. Diet will have little effect on fixing these, but even if it did, you cannot simply look at lists of foods.

There is no such thing as good foods for gout, because you have to look at total food intake. Avoiding one food group, or relying on another, will only lead to a poorly balanced diet. Bad diet will usually make gout worse, and can also cause other health problems. By all means, use food lists to analyze what your father already eats, then look for improvements. But begin with Dad, not lists.

B's point about expensive forums is good, but she hasn't looked far enough. The one I run is free, it has nothing to sell you, but it has lots of gout sufferers who actually care that you get the best for your father.

To manage gout properly, you must have a good plan.

Get information first - height, weight, uric acid level in the blood, current diet, etc.

Outline objectives - what is target uric acid, is weight loss necessary?

Uric acid crystals - plan how to get rid of them (medicine, diet or a combination of both)

Tend - continue to look after uric acid levels forever.

Only when you have a plan like that, does food make sense. Fortunately, there are many people around who can help you get the plan first and then make sense of food and medication.

What are the side effects of indomyacin for treatment of gout?

I have a friend that has gout and is worried about the medication side effects, does anyone know the negative effects?

The above question was asked to us and I thought it will be good and answer it here:

I'm assuming you're talking about indomethacin, brand name (Indocin), a common treatment for gout. Think of indomethacin as a beefed up version of ibuprofen or Motrin. It is in the same class of medications.

That said, it's side effects mimc ibuprofen, but seem to be a little stronger. The most common side effect is upset stomach or heartburn - if this happens you can counteract this with an antacid like maalox or Tums. Sometimes, people say it can cause a little dizziness. So for the first few times, stay away from driving until you can assess it's effect on you.

You also shouldn't take indomethacin if you have kidney problems.

It's usually a very well tolerated medication, and you won't have to take it too long to get over the gout flare. If indomethacin doesn't do the trick, there are alternative treatments.

Do you want to permanently do away with your gout? If you answered "YES", then I suggest you use the step-by-step system recommended in the Gout Remedy Report. The Gout Remedy Report is a great and effective manual with a natural plan that will completely treat any case of gout and stop it from recurring!

Click on this link ==> Review Of The Gout Remedy Report, to read more about this guide.

Is Gout All About Food?